
Monday, March 11, 2013

Primary Theme 2013: Royalty

Primary 2013 Primary room Décor

“We are Royalty”


I’m BACK!! I’ve been out of primary for a while, but I’m back now with some changes. I am now part of a great Texas Branch! I also joined Primary again, but this time as Primary President!

I was totally stunned at first, but I’m just super excited to be with our Heavenly Fathers children again. I had my first Sunday solo today and loved being there. Don’t remember why I was so worried before.

I will still be doing Singing time, But I’ll also be doing Sharing time, Activity day(Faith in God Days, might be a better name for it since we have both boys and girls in the class), AND Sunbeam/Nursery teacher. So I’ll separate my blog updates in these different areas so that anyone looking for just one of these topics can find them easier.

So my first job as Primary President was to decorating the primary room with this year’s theme. We have only one real wall in our Primary room, the rest are sliding doors. But we are going to make the most of that one wall we can.

I know everyone has taken the I am a Child of God theme their own way, but with most my primary being girls, I decided to add a little more twist to the theme, but Staying reverent at the same time.
I explained to the Children that they were Children of God, but also Royalty. Royalty? We talked about what it would be like to be a Prince or Princess. How would we act (Royalty act very well behaved) How would we treat other royalty (Prince and Princesses are taught to treat other Royalty very respectfully) And most important question, What makes someone a Prince and Princess(A girl perfectly said “you have to have Royal parents”) Bingo! Do we have Heavenly Royal Parents? What does that make us?? Their eyes lit up!

So I gave each child This paper Crown I found online and typed Prince/Princess on them. They decorated them and were going to put their pictures on them.

I went to the Best store in the world HOBBY LOBBY! :) and bought a mirror and put a sticker crown on it, Found a castle sticker and spray painted it silver (It was pink, which my husband informed me, was not boy friendly), Also found the prince sword and shield. I’m heading to the Primary room later this week to Decorate it all, so Sunday the kids can remember they are Children of God, which makes them Royalty.

I kept it reverent with pictures of Christ and only subtle décor. Reverence and respect to our Heavenly Father is most important!


It was amazing how easy it was to use the Princess/Prince concept to get them to be good in primary. Do princesses sit like that? Are Princes mean to other Princes? It was amazing to see how quickly the listened when I said “Lets sing the way our Heavenly Father excepts his Princes and Princesses to sing”
(This is the unfinished look. I still haven't put the kids pictures on the crowns since i wanted to take the picture first. Also, not all the crowns are up. I printed out the PTTW quote and posted it above the chaulk board)

I also can’t wait to use this concept for primary activities later this year.

A Royal Ball? “Tea” Parties? So many possiblities and chances to remind the kids how important they are!  

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