
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas tree for Toddlers

If you are a mommy of children under 3 you probably have a problem keeping pretty ornaments from breaking or keeping you tree together. You dont want to be getting mad at your children the whole month you have your tree up. So here is a solution. 
This last year we bought unbreakable ornaments from the dollar store. This way the children can decorate the tree all by themselves, without any worry of broken glass. We used them and will continue to use them until our children decide that you don't have to decorate the tree every day.

We also had the kids color on red and green construction paper. Then I cut the paper into strips and made paper chain garland for the tree. If they break it or take it off the tree its not a big deal.

I also found a site that has cute paper snowman, reindeer, tree and angel garland
I havent tried it yet but it seems fun and easy.

You can tell how tall my children are.
The tree will not be the prettiest but that kids will be so happy. And you can redecorate it when they go to bed.

If you have any other fun tree decorating ideas comment below.

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