
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Make a simple Blanket

I will show you how to make a very simple blanket. for your baby.

Get you about three yards of fabric. You can use two different colors just purchase 1.5 yards of each color. You may want a flannel or a fleece, a cotton fabric may not be warm enough for winter. I am using flannel for this one.

Cut of any uneven fabric. I used a rotary cutter, as it makes on nice straight line. I use the yard stick as my guide.

Put you  two fabrics together, if your fabric has a print put the print sides together

Then sew on the 5/8 line all of the way around the outside of the blanket until you reach the end...

Leave a big enough opening that will allow you to flip your blanket right side out. Clip your corners, then flip.

Tuck the edges toward the inside.

Then sew around the outside edge on a 5/8 sem

Then Ta-Da, You have a very nice blank that cost you almost nothing and no time to make,

Helpful hints:
If you want to make a blank without sewing a single thing, buy 1.5 yards of fleece and boom your done.

Christmas tree for Toddlers

If you are a mommy of children under 3 you probably have a problem keeping pretty ornaments from breaking or keeping you tree together. You dont want to be getting mad at your children the whole month you have your tree up. So here is a solution. 
This last year we bought unbreakable ornaments from the dollar store. This way the children can decorate the tree all by themselves, without any worry of broken glass. We used them and will continue to use them until our children decide that you don't have to decorate the tree every day.

We also had the kids color on red and green construction paper. Then I cut the paper into strips and made paper chain garland for the tree. If they break it or take it off the tree its not a big deal.

I also found a site that has cute paper snowman, reindeer, tree and angel garland
I havent tried it yet but it seems fun and easy.

You can tell how tall my children are.
The tree will not be the prettiest but that kids will be so happy. And you can redecorate it when they go to bed.

If you have any other fun tree decorating ideas comment below.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No More smashed fingers

Do you have children that just love to slam the doors. I have found a solution. I will only cost you 1 dollar. Buy a fun-noodle. 

Cut the noodle any size, mine is about 10 inches, It probably doesn’t need to be that long.

Then slice the noodle up one side. ( as shown in the picture)

Then spread it open and place it on your door.You can put on top of your door or on the side like mine, eith way will do the trick.

Just that easy. It will save you from having smashed fingers

Friday, November 18, 2011

Take Pants in, in 5 minutes

Do you have a little kiddo that doesn’t fit into their pants? My little man gets his metabolism from my side of the family. I cant keep any weight on this guy he eats and eats but also runs and runs. My little guy doesn't like when his pants don't fit. He will just keep pulling and tugging to keep them up. Lets hope that lasts into his teen years. My son is 26 months and his waist  fits 12mths pants but 18mths are the perfect length for him.
(these pants are 24 months, I will be hemming them as well, watch for the tutorial)
I have been taking this little guys pants in since he was 6mths old. So I decided to show you my little technique for taking in pants in less than five minutes. 

First step: Put the pants on your son and pull the extra slack out, as show in the above picture.

Second: Pinch the pants in the back and decide how much you need to take in. I needed to take in about 3 inches. I will be putting in two seems into the pants so each side will need to be taken in 1.5 inches

Third: Take the pants and flip them inside out. 

Fourth: Next you will line up the side seem and the back seem 

Fifth: Press them together. His pants need to be taken in 3 inches I will divide that number my 4 which equals about 3/4 inch.

Sixth: Measure and Place a pin where need, using the formula above. I placed my pin in ¾ of an inch.

Seven: Sew right where you placed the needle. Sew from the top of the pants down to the end of the waist band.  

Now repeat step 4-7

The end result will look like this 

Flip the pants right side out and they will look like this.

Try the pants on your little kid and see how they look

This is just that way I have been taking pants in for my kids. I hope it helps.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sticky Solution

Hello all, Have you ever had a recipe tell you to use wax paper. I made these cheerio snacks.

For this recipie visit this link

They were really really good but I had an issue with my snacks sticking to the wax paper.
So I thought up an awesome easy solution.

Get a frying pan and turn it on a medium heat. 

Take your snacks and separate them from each other.I cut around the snack using scissors leaving enough wax paper around the snack so I could pull it off easier.

Then place the snack (wax paper and all) on the frying pan. (you can see my pan was a bit hot)

Rub the wax paper around the pan for about five second.

And if all goes well... the wax paper should peel right off!!
I hope this is as helpful for you are it was for me!!!